Weather1 is the best weather software that keeps you updated of current weather conditions, forecasts,
Warnings & Advisories, radar and satellite images and much more!
Worldwide locations of which to retrieve current conditions and forecasts. You can also display data from
personal weather stations. You can choose from over 700 satellite & radar images to
rotate as your desktop wallpaper, have it alert you of severe
weather and much more. Weather1 supports skins and custom interface options, so you can customize the way it looks.
Weather1 is shareware - try it before you buy it! Just try it out for free, for 30 days and when you like it, buy it.
Weather1 is the weather software you need - whether you're a backyard observer or a serious weather watcher! Desktop weather software
at it's best!
- 01/01/2021-Released Vs. 10.5
- 12/24/2020-Released Vs. 10.4
- 12/20/2020-Released Vs. 10.3 Beta
